PhySH Releases and Versioning

The current release of PhySH is version 2.6.0 - this is publicly available for browsing and searching at

Release policy

  • All publicly released versions can be downloaded via github at
  • Versions are tagged with their version number (see Versioning below)
  • Downloadable files are provided for the following file formats:
    • JSON-LD - physh.json
    • RDF Turtle - physh.ttl
    • N-Triples - physh.nt
    • RDF/XML - physh.rdf
  • Recommended replacement values for deprecated PhySH concepts from earlier versions can be found from a mapping file “deprecated.csv” with the following columns:
    • Label of deprecated concept
    • ID of deprecated concept
    • Label of replacement concept
    • ID of replacement concept
  • New releases are expected at most four times per year; urgent fixes may be implemented outside of this schedule if necessary.


PhySH uses Semantic Versioning (see - specifically:

  • Versions will use a numbering system of the form X.Y.Z, where an increment in an earlier number resets the later numbers to zero (for example 1.11.5 -> 2.0.0).
  • An increment in Z means there are no new terms or structural changes. These changes will involve no change in content other than labels (fixing preferred labels, fixing or adding/removing alternate labels) and adding or removing “related” links.
  • An increment in Y may involve new terms and minor structural changes but should be fully backwards-compatible for all general purposes; some terms may be indicated as deprecated but will not actually be deleted.
  • An increment in X indicates a breaking change: deprecated terms will have been actually deleted, term URI’s may have been changed, or there may be a significant change in structure that may require some software effort to address.

We expect increments in Z to be possible at any time, while increments in Y would happen several times per year. Increments in X should be very rare and will be communicated far in advance.